Welcome to the Dog Zone

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Puppy Training

Hey there all, I'm so sorry that I've not updated this in so long...it's quite embarrassing actually....lol. Dakota and Maggie are still doing so great together....Maggie loves to snuggle with Dakota and luckiy, Dakota doesn't mind. Maggie is still growing....not yet 5 months yet but still under 20 lbs....yikes, we've never had a smaller dog before. She is great and has been the star at puppy class. Maggie really doesn't like to be scolded, so she is very trainable. Another bonus is that she is not a chewer of house hold items.....yeah!!!! We enjoy "training" in the evenings....Dakota loves it....Maggie does all of the work and he gets a treat sometimes so he's not left out. The pic is Maggie at 3-4 months....we're very proud that our daughter is also a Red Sox fan!!!!Well, I'm off for now, but promise to update regularly with more great pics and videos......till later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi friend,

    The first few weeks with your new puppy sets the tone for your whole relationship. Thank you...

    Adequan Canine
